Category: President Donald Trump


President Donald Trump’s time in office officially ends and Joe Biden takes the reins. Another changing of the guard and a new era in American life. American life always moves forward to a new day, a new dawn. 
The Trump Era was as consequential and must see as a presidential administration could be. President Donald Trump had a strong personality, big ego, and great resolve to take on all combatants, which helped to make him a lightning rod for debate. 
President Donald Trump did not have to run for office. He has a great family, a successful business, and a great life. He did not need to subject himself or his family to the political hatred and harassment from his political opponents. He did not have a half a decade in public office in need of validation. 
In the above podcast, I discuss the high and lows and why the Trump Era was a net positive for our society, despite the chaos and tension at times. Also, I project forward to what America can expect in the next era of our great American story. Please click above to experience The Trump Era podcast.



America is in a crisis of our own making. There is a clear need for a national change of perspective. Change from a society that views our political opposition as an existential threat to our democracy. Change from a society that views the problem with our society simply being the existence of the other side. 

Our problems did not originate from one individual, one political party, or one group of people. Our underlying problems with political tribalism, ideological rigidity, hysteria, anger, and jealousy transitioned with past changes of administrations. Our political environment continues to move away from cooperation and compromise. Our society continues to allow political views to divide family and friends. Our media institutions continue to wedge society based on exaggerated differences, ignoring the many areas of agreement.

Our society needs to return to a point where compromise, cooperation, and consideration are acceptable aspects of government and daily life. A point where good faith negotiations craft solutions that benefit the broadest group of Americans.

Please click above to see ways to achieve this with a couple changes that can help lower the temperature while protecting all our rights.



The Year 2020 was a challenging year across the globe. A global pandemic impacted every nation in the world. Social unrest impacted many of our cities in a disturbing manner that went well beyond our democratic traditions. A contentious presidential election to cap it off. 

Many people struggled to deal with the situation not of their choosing. Others decided to make the most of it and found opportunity to help their fellow human rather than wallow in the emotions of the moments. Tough times breed tough people and it is the tough people that make it to the other side. 

Please click above to experience the Year 2020 podcast.



The health of our democracy has become a salient topic for discussion as politicians use it in their line of attacks. All Americans want to live in a healthy democracy that protects our shared values, freedom, and opportunity. 

In this edition, I discuss areas of opportunity for ensuring our democracy protects our freedom, opportunity, and future. 



Joe Biden prevailed in the 2020 Presidential Election. Barring any changes related to contested ballots and possible recounts, Biden will become president on January 20, 2021. Biden will be inheriting a rebounding economy, a possible vaccine to Covid-19, and much more upon taking office.

Biden will most likely come into office with a gridlocked Congress, providing America with protection against the radical aspects of his agenda. Biden promises to heal America, but hard to imagine Americans coming together after the treatment by Biden and his party. Some of the actions committed, not only during the campaign, but the past 4 to 12 years, are not able to taken back or condoned. The political actions used to gain power cannot be ignored simply due to a shift in power.

For more takeaways from the election, please click on the above to experience The Election 2020 podcast.

Additional related content


Our perfect imperfect nation is a great nation because of our values, principles, and ideals, despite not always exemplifying them consistently. America is not without flaw. No nation can make that claim. But, a better path forward is to expand the practice of our espoused values and hold all accountable to live up to these standards, not rejecting them for sets that are proven ineffective and oppressive. 

For more, please click above to experience the podcast. 


The impeachment of President Donald Trump is neither surprising nor shocking. Since November 9, 2016, the American public expected the Democratic Party would seek the removal of President Donald Trump from office at their first opportunity. At the time, the only questions were whether they would get the opportunity and how reasoned their case would be. Society plagued with a high level of political division might not handle partisan political ploys well. The hunt for power creates the justifications for means in the minds of the party seeking control. 
No person or entity is above the law. Regardless of party affiliation, political ideology, or record of achievement. Corruption or direct violations of law is not offset by level of accomplishment or success. Just raises the stakes for the accusers. The political leanings of the process must be considered as well. Our criminal justice system cannot be used to reverse the will of fair and free elections for partisan endeavors. 
Along party lines, the House of Representatives formally accused President Donald Trump of two crimes. Abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Two week of public hearings preceded the adoption of changes filled with high levels of political sensationalism. House leaders promised irrefutable and overwhelming charges. As always, they under-delivered. 
The abuse of power is a common accusation against Presidents of both parties from their opposition. In this charge, Democrats accused President Trump of using his power as president to assist his possible political outcomes by seeking to attain damaging information on a potential political opponent. This related to a call and inquiry into actions occurring in Ukraine while Biden was Vice President. The initial talking points for this was deeming it a quid pro quo, which is not always illegal, but frequently used. Polling showed bribery was a more attractive word for prospective voters. 
There was not enough evidence to push forward with a bribery charge. From the public hearings, there was little evidence provided to connect delays in funding with request for investigations. There was little evidence to show funds were materially delayed. Much of the testimony was from people without direct knowledge or memory. The only bombshell also provided the refutation of a quid pro quo actually existing. 
In the second article of impeachment, Democrats accused President Trump of obstructing Congress. The charge was a result of President Trump deeming the House investigation as a political witch-hunt and not allowing staff to cooperate. The charge is a far less serious one than obstruction of justice. In reality, every modern-day president could face an obstruction of Congress charge, as every recent presidential administration has withheld information or testimony sought by Congress. Congress frequently decries this behaviors as it impedes its constitutional role and limits its authority to oversee the actions of the other branches, including the executive branch. 
The Constitution affords Congress the authority for impeachment and removal of a President for committing of high crimes and misdemeanors. There is not a clear definition of what these high crimes entail. But, many people reasonably crimes like murder, treason, mutiny, or crimes like that reach that level. Our history with impeachment demonstrates that Congress rarely worries about standard. All our past impeachments were highly political, and Trump’s was no exception. 
Democrats want to use the appearance of a crime as enough reason to remove a political opponent. Anger, disappointment, and power grabs are not sufficient reason to remove a sitting President. For two years, every person across every political spectrum knew Democrats would pursue impeachment. Even after failing with the Russia collusion narrative, they did not seem to craft a strong case. This was case built on desperation. 
The outcome in the United States Senate was not much of a surprise for many reasons. The GOP controlled Senate had the votes for acquittal. There was little to no evidence presented by House Democrats to change pre-existing opinions. As expected, the United States Senate, controlled by the GOP, voted to acquit President Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment. 
There was a great level of political hysteria infused in the process. In our constitution, the House of Representatives is tasked with investigating the offending government official and passing articles of impeachment to go to the Senate. The Senate is tasked with holding trial for that official, with Chief Justice presiding over a presidential impeachment. The Senate is not tasked with opening its own investigation or building on the charges presented to it. That is against our accepted system of justice. 
Again, the appearance of a crime is not the same thing as a crime actually existing. In the Russia collusion investigation, Democrats used evidence they had a role in funding as the basis for investigating Trump. With Ukraine, they used hearsay evidence to pursue impeachment and cover possible corruption by then Vice President Joe Biden. Some question whether impeachment was legitimate or a partisan ploy. It appears to be clearly a partisan ploy.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is an iconic figure in the annals of American history. Dr. King exemplified the ability for an individual outside the typical halls of power to make indelible change in our society. All Americans, regardless of background, benefited from Dr. King’s message. A message establishing hope for a society united harmoniously regardless of race. Despite our challenges, America must strive to reduce social tension related to race, gender, and other demographics. 

There is no easy answer to solve the racial tensions that seem to plague our society all to often. As the most diverse nation in the world, conflicting needs combined with past transgressions create challenges for identifying a workable and realistic solution. Strong emotions and unwavering political views harden stances. Our cultural political conditions create unnecessary dichotomies preventing society from solving many of our important issues. Until society can have a true honest dialogue surrounding our tensions, there really is no way forward. 

An obstacle is some want to move past the issue by overlooking the need to address discrimination in its current form. Others want to weaponize discrimination and view every social conflict in the context of discrimination. Both sides miss the middle ground. Society needs to be able to address incidents without regression to division. There will always be conflicts or incidents involving different races. Facts must be vetted before one jumps to conclusions or dismisses possibilities. 

The biggest impact society can accomplish in the near term is to reduce tensions and eliminate violence related to discrimination. There has yet to be a year in recent memory where headlines did not include stories covering the loss of life related to some form of discrimination. Whether it is a large- or small-scale event, hate crimes need to be stopped. People should not loss their lives for the mental illness of others. Society must fight hate in all its forms, not only the politically convenient. 

Peoples must at a basic level respect the right for others to exist. Respect the right to life, life, and the pursuit of happiness of all, not a select few. One does not have to agree with or embrace another’s views or values, but one should respect their rights. The great aspect of America is the belief in openness for all and universal personal and political freedoms for all citizens. Also, it does not hurt to experience another culture or seek to bridge the gap between cultures by sharing commonalities. 

Our failed attempts at fighting discrimination have largely resulted in a more divided society due to inconsistency. Resulted in more discriminatory feelings. Some use too broad of a paintbrush in exploiting every incident, creating groups to emote anger, resentment, and division. There is a need to combat discrimination and hate. But, there needs to be push towards ensuring justice and moving communities towards forgiveness and unity. Forgiveness is a critical aspect in American life that many miss. 

Society needs to combat all forms of hate. Not only the politically convenient forms. Social harmony will not happen when hatred is ignored in certain circumstances and overreacted to in others. The approach only reinforces stereotypes of inequity, as one race bears the complete responsibility. In reality, all bear some responsibility. Hate will be defeated by love, learning, and tolerance, not entitlement, revenge, and anger. 

No one can be sure if America will ever reach Dr. King’s Dream. That does not mean our society should stop trying. There is a clear need to identify a new path and dogma around the issue.


In this podcast, I discuss the need for a strong national security balanced with effective diplomacy that utilizes tariffs and trade.