Category: Free Market Capitalism


Welcome to the Christopher Peter Review Podcast. The Christopher Peter Review is your source for original content focused on salient topics from our current events and public policy and centered on facts, evidence, and data.
In this new podcast episode, Social Norms, Jennifer and I discuss our national discourse over our values and guiding principles as well as other current events. 
Experience this new podcast episode of the Christopher Peter Review. 


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review.

The skill of critical thinking is important not just in the workplace, but with every big decision we make in our lives. Where we choose to live. What organizations to associate ourselves with. The people that we continue to permit to be in our social sphere.

The skill of critical thinking is critically important when we select the people empowered to guide our nation, economy, society, and represent our interests and people globally. In any job interview, people vetting candidates seek to get past the manicured profile and documents in front of them to understand how much of what they are reading and hearing are true representations of the candidate in front of them. They ask questions to piece the veil of professional marketing to see their best guess of who really is the candidate and how much of the message aligns with their needs.

The skill of a good procurement person is the ability to work through the marketing brochures and the skilled sales speak of the team assigned to their region or account to get a realistic idea of what the product or service offering really is, the reliability of those offerings, and how well it fits the needs to the end users who will use them. There are many times where the sales presentations includes information that really offers nothing to the reality of the product or services and how it will function when it is used. Might sound nice but not actually impactful. So they sort of information that is relevant and quantifiable to measure against competing offers.

The important aspect is understanding the true offerings, actual value, and if there is a fit. Important decisions should not be made on the premise that the person seemed nice or really wanted the job. Rather how well they compared to the alternatives against the criteria of measures to determine the true fit. Requires us to look beyond the noise for the true message.

In the Critical Thinkers podcast episode, I talk about the importance of critical thinking with the team and see the importance in our society, economic decisions, and beyond. Please experience this podcast episode below.



The CRC Review is your source for common sense commentary covering the public policy and salient topics impacting our national economy and overall society. 

The common theme you experience here is the idea of empowering the people. Focusing on allowing people to make the choices that are best for the individual situations, needs, and wants. Americans should not be forced to limit our expectations to the choices afforded by government, rather by those available by our effort, opportunity, and ingenuity. 

There is a need to expand opportunity in our society. Broadening the pipelines of success to more communities and groups in our society. The question is whether we do this through redistribution or through expanding the economic principles that made America the leading and most innovative economy in the world. 

America must harness the innovation, ambition, and productivity of the American people, which many people seem hesitant to do. America should help more people of all different backgrounds increase investments, entrepreneurial pursuits instead of securing spots on government programs. Americans must be champions of their own success rather than victims of circumstance. 

In this podcast, I discuss how America can improve our fight against poverty. I also provide a real-life example of income mobility, which is key to elevating people out of poverty through the dignity of work. Please click on the above to experience Taking the Fight to Poverty podcast. 



The health of our democracy has become a salient topic for discussion as politicians use it in their line of attacks. All Americans want to live in a healthy democracy that protects our shared values, freedom, and opportunity. 

In this edition, I discuss areas of opportunity for ensuring our democracy protects our freedom, opportunity, and future. 



My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to the CRC Review. The CRC Review is your source for common sense commentary covering salient topics impacting our society and economy.

No other economic system elevates communities out of poverty over the long-term like free market capitalism. Many of the backers of systems like socialism purposeful ignore the clear and obvious failures of socialism, which empowers government over the people and provides them nothing but prolonged abject poverty and political violence. While free market capitalism has some challenges, it still is the right model for America, considering many of the problems are more a result of poorly constructed public policy than the system itself. 

For more on the differences in economic models, please click above.


The United States of America was founded on the principle that all Americans are created equal. All Americans having the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, the United States has not always lived up to our espoused values. In our past, many have found their right to life, liberty, and happiness impeded by hate and discrimination. Still today, racism and other forms of discrimination stand in the way of many people’s access to our fundamental social promises and their personal paths toward freedom. 
Our nation’s diversity is one of greatest strengths along with our fundamental belief in self-reliance, self-determination, and freedom. Americans must find a way to get past our superficial differences regarding race, gender, religion, or other personal demographics and focus on expanding opportunity to all striving for it. Cultural diversity along with intellectual diversity allows our society to attract the best and brightest from around the world and within our own communities. Our economy benefits when all can access our free market economy, thus reducing government dependence. Our elected officials need to find a balanced way to allow all Americans their rightful access to economic and social freedom. 
One cannot deny that racism and other forms of discrimination still exist in our society. Even in many blue states, there are some that believe race, gender, and demographics rightfully dictate outcomes and opportunity. Some people honestly believe that non-whites and women lack the intellectual ability to compete. Conversely, some minorities unfairly cast every white person as racist. Racism played a major role in economic disparities, but it will not help solve the issues. 
There is a falsehood that identity politics will solve our issues with race and gender. Instead of repeating mistakes of associating only with people that look, act, speak, pray, and think like us, Americans must seek to understand those differences, which can present opportunities. Embracing diversity can connect people with new markets, employee pools, and investment opportunities. Despite some differences, many in society have shared values and similar needs. Appreciate differences each person can bring and unite around of shared perspectives. 
All groups in our society struggles with the confines of groupthink, adhering to preconceived ideals passed on from generations. Rather, people must add their own experiences and learning to that equation. There may be reasons for someone feeling a certain way about another group, but that sentiment needs not to automatically carry on to the next generation. At some point the cycle must break. All sides have room to improve in this area. 
The challenging question for policymakers is how to facilitate a move forward. Initially, there was a need in implementing preferential programs, but there is a need to modernize approaches. While programs helped, there still lacks adequate pipelines of talent, as many potential individuals do not pursue programs or the fields with such programs. A greater focus needs to be reducing disparities in skill training, where education quality is determined by geographic location. Government should not remain in the business of picking winners and losers but can help ensure its functions provide equal access to skill development regardless of demographics. 
All Americans deserve equal opportunity to find success, based upon their own ambition, effort, and persistence. Allow all people the ability to determine their own level of success. Greater equality can positively impact our economy, as subgroups largely dependent on social programs can become productive contributors to our free market economy. As stated in Expanding Economic Opportunities, many communities have untapped potential for economic growth and prosperity for residents. The political dogma and environments need some alterations in order to improve the attractiveness and preparedness to take advantage of opportunity. 
There are many areas in our society that could benefit from a change of dogma. Many crime ridden and economically depressed areas need to reshape their political thinking to better improve the future prospects for residents living in their neighborhoods. The most effective social program one can provide another person is a job, which can help promote economic freedom. Policy changes in these communities is essential to help attract investment to spur job creation to set these areas towards greater opportunity and better social outcomes in the future. Unfortunately, many of the leaders focus more on maintaining their own political power then the outcomes of their residents. 
The path forward should be expanding access to economic opportunities to communities that are not normally at the forefront of Wall Street. Revitalization of these areas can have a long-term positive effect on crime reduction as well as lower the cost of welfare programs, criminal justice institutions, and government dependence. There will be a need to invest in infrastructure improvements, education structure, and community safety. Eventually, the focus needs to be developing a pool of local investors that can sustain it in the future. Expanding free markets and empowering the people will go much further than empowering the government over the people. 
Despite some setbacks, society has made real progress on race relations and discrimination compared to generations ago. But those achievements are fleeting if progress is yielded because people are not truly given equal opportunity. Government should not dictate outcomes but give all an equal chance at success. That only happens if society expands economic opportunity to those groups previously ignored.