Category: JOE BIDEN


Welcome to the Christopher Peter Review Podcast. The Christopher Peter Review is your source for original content focused on salient topics from our current events and public policy and centered on facts, evidence, and data.
In this new podcast episode, Road to Recovery, we discuss the debate over whether we are in a recession and the potential outcomes for the midterm elections.

Please experience this new podcast episode of the Christopher Peter Review by clicking on the above video. 



Welcome to the Christopher Peter Review Podcast. The Christopher Peter Review is your source for original content focused on salient topics from our current events and public policy and centered on facts, evidence, and data.
In this new podcast episode, Breaking the Cycle, the CRC Team begins a series of discussions on how to change direction by starting with what needs to change in our societal thinking. Experience this new podcast episode of the Christopher Peter Review. 



My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review. My podcast will continue to be your source for common sense analytical commentary on salient topics impacting our economy and society.

New podcast episode, Making the Grade, evaluates the first year of the Biden Presidency and how to fairly and accurately judge the performance of a presidential administration.

Please click above to experience this new episode here on the Christopher Peter Review. 



My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review. My podcast will continue to be your source for common sense analytical commentary on salient topics impacting our economy and society.

New podcast episode, The Past Year, continues the tradition of looking at the highlights of the previous year. Please click above to experience this new podcast episode here on the Christopher Peter Review. 



My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to another episode of the Christopher Peter Review. My podcast will always be your source of common-sense analytical commentary on salient topics impacting our economy and society.

New podcast episode, Responsible Wages, discussing ideas to improve economic outcomes for our most vulnerable without harming our economic performance. Please click above to experience this new podcast episode here on the Christopher Peter Review. 



My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Channel, home to the Christopher Peter Review. My podcast will continue to be your source for common sense analytical commentary on salient topics impacting our economy and society.

In this podcast, Better Americans, I discuss how Americans are going to be the driving force behind our society and what they can do to improve their own economic outcomes. Additionally, I discuss the importance of objective truth and how the media is not living up to societal expectations. 

Please click above to experience the Better Americans Podcast from The Christopher Peter Review. 


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to another episode of the Christopher Peter Review. My podcast will always be your source of common-sense analytical commentary on salient topics impacting our economy and society.
In this podcast, Sense of Community, I advocate the need to restore a more united nation. Community is described as a fabric of society. That fabric is worn and in serious need of repair. Americans need to weave a new blanket of unity and understanding.
I highlight how community served our society for decades and how to bring it back in the context of our modern-day America. Please click above to enjoy Sense of Community on the Christopher Peter Review.



My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Podcast, formerly The CRC Review. My podcast will continue to be your source for common sense analytical commentary on salient topics impacting our economy and society.
America needs to strive for the best and expect the best from each other, especially those at the highest level of government. There is a great importance to not shortchange yourself or give anything but your best effort. If you expect better, you do better and get better.
Americans should also hold our elected officials to higher standards. We should expect our government leaders and public sector workers to deliver results and operate in the best interest of society. Public service should provide service to society, rather than expecting status or power.
In this podcast, I discuss why it is important that we improve our expectations of our government and standards for ourselves. If we truly want to live and experience a great America, we need to rise to the top rather than scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Please click above to experience American Gold Standards on the Christopher Peter Podcast.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to the CRC Review. The CRC Review is your source for common sense commentary covering salient topics impacting our society and economy.

America celebrated its 244th year since declaring our independence from the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Americans should be proud to live in the United States. America affords opportunity, freedom, and self-determination as well as a cultural melting pot like nowhere else. Our nation is not perfect, but neither is any other one. Our perspective must not anchor solely on our flaws, but on our strengths and efforts to overcome our past mistakes. 

I am proud to be an American and live in the United States. I do not connect with those voices in our society attempting to use our past indiscretions as a divisive wedge for political purposes. Or a convenient cover for their perpetually failing political agendas. I rather look at the convenient facts. If America is so racist and discriminatory, why do so many people migrate here each year? Why hasn’t any one of the people claiming offense left our borders? Because we know the good outweighs the bad and we are always hopeful for a brighter tomorrow. 

American life does not come without challenges. Each day Americans adapt to changes and challenges we did not ask for. Find ways to overcome adversity that we did not expect or plan for. Elevate our station in a life that we had no input in. American life is always built around hope and aspiring for a brighter future. A brighter future that we define for ourselves not given to us by a distant entity disconnected to our needs and wants. 

In this podcast, I discuss how we can build up from adversity, challenges that can get in the way, and the fragility of freedom. Additionally, I discuss recent current events. Please click above to experience American Adversity.



My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to the CRC Review. The CRC Review is your source for common sense commentary covering salient topics impacting our society and economy.

The United States needs to have strong and decisive leadership both domestic and abroad to protect our way of life and our democratic form of government. Our leadership needs to be bold and able to advance our interests in the face of any challenges. America needs to be able to bring together our allies to craft effective solutions, while willing to go at it alone to pursue what is right and just. 

A constant talking point in our political discourse is the fragility of our democracy. A strategy used to create fear of voting for opposing political candidates. Missing from our discussions are the attitudes and behaviors that take place each and every day that harm our democracy. Behaviors that occur well beyond the beltway politics. Our American Democracy may cease to exist if we continue to silence the voices of our fellow Americans, advance narratives and hide truths, and abandon our freedom for the false comfort of government intervention. 

The above podcast is Leadership & Democracy, where I discuss the recent current events that highlight the importance of preserving our American democracy and highlight in more depth the challenges that need to be addressed. Some are quick to point out the anti-democratic positions abroad but slow to realize the same behaviors are taking place here as well. 

Please click above to experience this podcast.