My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review.

Institutions are important in any society. They serve as the infrastructure for how a society or community exemplifies its values and principles. Institutions can be organizations, agencies, or simply just ideals and dogmas. For instance, the FBI is an American institution, but so is free market capitalism.

There are some people who view our institutions as sacred, while others want to change or replace them at the drop of a dime. Some institutions did need to be removed from society. At one point, slavery was an institution in America. Rightfully so, society eradicated it. On the other hand, the American Dream is an institution that needs to be protected. In our current environment, we can see the consequences of moving away from our national ethos.

In this podcast episode, I lead a discussion on ideas to improve our institutions, including our press, as well as recent current events. Please experience this podcast episode below.


Welcome to the Christopher Peter Review Podcast. The Christopher Peter Review is your source for original content focused on salient topics from our current events and public policy and centered on facts, evidence, and data.

New podcast episode, American Character, discusses the importance of character and compassion in our society in order to improve our condition. Please click above to experience our new podcast.



Can schools reopen safely under the threat of Covid-19? Listen to hear things decision makers must consider.