My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.

Everyone wants to be viewed as normal and believes they are the shining example of normalcy in the world. You could follow every trend out there and make every by the book decision to be considered normal. But there will always be some groups that will view you as abnormal. Normal is subjective to a degree.

For some people, the perfect cup of coffee is caffeinated with a mixture of condiments like cream and sugar or just black. Others prefer decaffeinated coffee, which I know people who view that as warm flat soda. But to each group, the way they like their coffee is the norm and others are outside of that norm.

Why worry about the norm if the differing behaviors have no impact on your well being, your outcomes, or anything that involves you? There are times when our views of normal does cause conflicts, but for the most part, people just live their lives by a different code. Worry about maximizing your opportunities rather than what others do.

In this podcast episode, I discuss normalcy, our social norms, change, and other current events. Please experience this new podcast episode below.