My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to another year of the Christopher Peter Review! I thank you for your viewership last year and hope that you continue to join us this year!

Sports provide such a finite ending towards the combined effort, strategy, belief, and support of groups of players, coaches, leaders, and fan bases. Either you win and feel success or you lose and need to rethink your approach and reason to be in the arena.

All the while, the games take place in a special economic system that employs millions, both inside the teams and many more who may never step foot in a stadium. There is no business like sports business. Show business is good as well. But sports are the only proven commodity to never flop or lose value.

In this podcast episode, I look at the business of sports and why we love the industry like no other. Then, I take part in a conversation regarding current events and whether some ancillary parts of the industry are truly helpful.