My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review.

The purpose of having political debates is to have a forum, where political candidates can introduce themselves to the audience and pool of prospective voters and offer ideas on how to solve the problems they choose to solve. Right? Rarely do you really see a candidate want to address every issue out there. Rightfully so?

For many people, it is easy to point out what is wrong with society. Inflation is harming the economic outcomes of our households, the viability of many businesses, and the financial markets. Crime is plaguing our communities and making some of our great cities unlivable and no longer suited for business operations. Illegal immigration is draining resources for local government, putting millions of households at risk, and posing a national security threat. But what are the solutions that will actually work?

Please experience this podcast episode below where the top issues facing our society is discussed and potentially viable solutions are offered.