The size and scale of a company is important. Our economy needs companies of all sizes. Small businesses. Medium businesses. And large global multinationals. These all help our economy and stabilize industries. 

There are strong opinions about large corporations. In many ways, we are conditioned to not like big companies and to view them as greedy entities. Yet, we are not supposed to view the government as greedy when taxes are increased during economic downtimes, good times, and anytime elected officials want more funding for pet projects. 

The reality is that we need large businesses. Large scale businesses that can employ people, create economic wealth, and produce and distribute the goods and services needed from sea to shining sea. Big companies have the resources to provide the benefits, labor protections, and perks that we wish all employers would offer. 

We also need to consider the benefits of having multinationals domiciled in your economy. I believe it is better to have large organizations that operate in your borders be domiciled in your economy than based elsewhere. Just like with individuals, home will always be where the heart and interests are so it is important that home is local. While profitability will always rule, I firmly believe that operations considered foreign will have less leeway than the home operations will have. 

In this podcast episode, Real Values, I discuss metrics used to measure the size of companies, managing sports assets for long term success, maintaining values to protect communities, and recent current events.