My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.

The United States of America is a nation built on the premise of being for the people, of the people, and by the people. That is our governing philosophy. Although the government is made up of the people, society needs people outside of government to make up ground or fill in the gaps where public policy fails to adequately address our needs.

In reality, the idea of American governance was that government would be limited to the functions that it can do best. For instance, the government is best in providing a strong national defense and domestic law enforcement. In theory of course. The government is generally the best institution to maintain public infrastructure that is used broadly. But, most other areas government fails considerably in meeting the expectations of society.

That is why our democracy combined with our free market capitalist economy is an important duo that makes America exceptionally great. The private sector is able to provide solutions that fill the gaps or better meet the personalized needs of the individual. People are able to bring solutions to light and find resources not limited to the will of bureaucrats or central planners. In this podcast episode below, I highlight an important manner how the people saved a precious institution.